Appealing A Parking Violation


The Student Senate adjudicates parking appeals through the Parking Council. Should a student wish to appeal a parking ticket, the student must complete the Parking Appeals Form. The Parking Appeal form should be the first form in the Hawklink forms.  All appeals must be completed via the Student Senate’s Hawklink Page. Appeals must be submitted with explanation on or before the fourteenth (14th) day after the ticket was issued.

If the appeal is for a ticket received by a guest, the student whom the guest was visiting must file the appeal. Revocation of parking privileges is not subject to appeal, only individual tickets. The following procedures are to be followed when submitting an appeal:

  1. Appeals must be submitted no later than 2 weeks (14 days) after the date the ticket was issued. No late appeals will be accepted. There are no exceptions. The two-week time period runs only while classes are in session for the Fall and Spring terms.
  2. All appeals must be complete. Incomplete appeal applications will not be considered.
  3. All valid Parking Appeal Applications will be read, discussed, and voted on by the Parking Council within two weeks from the date received. Appeals filed two weeks before finals or during the Winter/Summer sessions may be held until the Parking Council reconvenes at the start of the next semester. Fines will not be accrued until decisions are made.
  4. All decisions will be communicated via Hawklink.
  5. All decisions of the Parking Council are final. There are no exceptions. Decisions cannot be appealed nor can the same ticket be re-appealed.
  6. Additional questions about the appeals process can be sent to

Note: Paper applications are no longer accepted.

Administration, Faculty, Staff and Visitors / Contractors

  • Requests must be submitted to the Office of the Director of Public Safety, Room 132 , North Campus Office Building no later than 2 weeks (14 days) after the violation issue date. No late appeals will be accepted.
  • Download the Request to Void Parking Ticket application
  • All requests must be complete. Incomplete request applications will not be considered.
  • All decisions will be mailed by interoffice or U.S. Mail to the requesting person.