Faculty Scholarship - A
Adams, Edgar
Adams, E., Hendrickson, B., King, D., & Watson, R. (2023). The Case for Reparations and the Path to Reclaiming Lost Community 2023 SNEAPA, New Haven, CT Friday, October 6 Providence Cultural Equity Initiative.
Adams, E. (2023). Equitable Renewable: Reclamation + Repair.
Adams, E. (2020). Re-Grounding Newport The Climate of Urban Design RUDC 2020 Austin TX.
Adams, E., Boisvert, B., & Bradley, F. (2019). Finding Common Ground: Smart Growth and Affordable Housing.
Adams, E., Boisvert, B., Bradley, F., Shapiro, B., & Winschel, B. (2015). Finding Common Ground Pt. II Growth Centers and Affordable Housing in Rhode Island.
Adams, E., Boisvert, B., Bradley, F., & Shapiro, B. (2014). Finding Common Ground: Smart Growth and Affordable Housing in Rhode Island.
Adams, E., & Boisvert, B. (2012). Finding Common Ground Part I: Understanding Growth Centers in Rhode Island.
Adams, E. (2010). Mind the Gap II: Notes on the In-Between.
Adams, E. (2007). The Main Line as Model.
Adams, E. (2007). Mind the Gap: Understanding the Interface.
Adams, E. (1998). Wartime Housing from 1917-1918 and its Place in the American Planning Tradition.
Adams, Roberta
Adams, Roberta E. 2006. “Aspects of Authority in Wu Cheng’en’s Journey to the West.” In Confucian Cultures of Authority, edited by Peter D. Hershock and Roger T. Ames, 117-149. Albany: State University of New York Press, SUNY Series in Asian Studies Development.
Akdevelioglu, Duygu
Akdevelioglu, D., Kara, S., & Perotti, V. (2024). The impact of consumer personality and social network position on brand community engagement.Journal of Brand Management, 31 (3), 235-250.
Akdevelioglu, D., & Perotti, V. (2024). Detecting revenue innovations: An exploration of monetiza- tion patterns in accelerated startups with unsupervised machine learning. American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Marketing Academic Conference.
Akdevelioglu, D., Perotti, V., & Tores, E. (2024). Navigating nomadic realms: Unraveling varied digital nomad experiences across the work-leisure continuum. American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Marketing Academic Conference.
Akdevelioglu, D., Guzel, T., & Markus, G. (2024). Triumph or Toxicity? Unveiling the Dynamics of Platform Markets. Consumer Culture Theory Conference (CCTC).
Akdevelioglu, D., Braxton, D., & Kara, S. (2023). Do robots dream in color? the effect of anthropo- morphism of robots as social actors on consumer behavior. Association for Consumer Research (ACR).
Akdevelioglu, D., & Perotti, V. (2023). Social media connectivity and culture: A study of network structure and content creation. INSNA Sunbelt Social Networks Conference.
Akdevelioglu, D., Taltekin Guzel, G., & Landers, M. (2023). This is not what i have ordered: Aesthetic failure in food delivery services. American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Academic Conference.
Thyroff, A., Hawkins, M., & Akdevelioglu, D. (2023). Thinking Big About Going Small: Conceptualizing the Human-Technology Integration Spectrum. Journal of Macromarketing, 43 (4), 433-440.
Hair, N., Akdevelioglu, D., & Clark, M. (2023). The philosophical and methodological guidelines for ethical online ethnography. InternationalJournal of Market Research, 65 (1), 12-28.
Ruvalcaba, C., Akdevelioglu, D., & Schroeder, J. (2022). Stakeholders as Value Creators: The Role of Multi-Level Networks in Employee Wellness Programs.Journal of Macromarketing, 42 (3), 414-432.
Akdevelioglu, D., & Taltekin Guzel, G. (2022). Food delivery failures and consumer responses: Covid- 19 pandemic and disruptions of food consumption. Association for Consumer Research (ACR).
Akdevelioglu, D., & Taltekin Guzel, G. (2022). Plating experience: Covid-19 pandemic and disruptions of food consumption. Association for Consumer Research (ACR).
Akdevelioglu, D., Hansen, S., & Venkatesh, A. (2022). Wearable technologies, brand community and the growth of a transhumanist vision. Transhumanisms and biotechnologies in consumer society. Routledge.
Akdevelioglu, D., & Venkatesh, A. (2022). Consumer ties and social media consumer culture in social media networks. Handbook of digital and social media marketing. SAGE
Akdevelioglu, D., & Kara, S. (2021). Competition versus collaboration in online communities of wearable technologies. American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Academic Conference.
Thyroff, A., Hawkins, M., & Akdevelioglu, D. (2021). Thinking big about going small: Conceptual- izing technology miniaturization consumption. Global Macromarketing Conference.
Akdevelioglu, D., & Kara, S. (2020). An international investigation of opinion leadership and social media. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 14 (1), 71-88.
Akdevelioglu, D., Yang, S., & Schroeder, J. (2020). Aesthetics of food: The role of visual framing strategies for influence building on instagram. Association for Consumer Research (ACR).
Akdevelioglu, D. (2019). Tactics of Circumvention: How to Evade CCT’s Doppelganger Brand Images as an Emerging Scholar. Consumer Culture Theory Conference (CCTC).
Akdevelioglu, D., & Ruvalcaba, C. (2019). Legitimation of incentivized wellness. Academy of Marketing Conference.
Akdevelioglu, D., & Yucel, G. (2019). Poor but grateful: An investigation of low-income consumers coping with poverty. Association for Consumer Research (ACR).
Akdevelioglu, D. (2018). Exploring the shifting sands: Accounting for evolution in analyzing data from social media platforms workshop. The Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR) Conference.
Akdevelioglu, D., & Ruvalcaba, C. (2018). Does network structure matter? the effect of network ties and value creation activity on legitimation. Consumer Culture Theory Conference (CCTC).
Akdevelioglu, D., & Braxton, D. (2017). The role of social media publics in customer experience. American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Academic Conference.
Venkatesh, A., & Akdevelioglu, D. (2017). Social media consumer as digital avatar. Routledge handbook on consumption (pp. 453–465). Routledge.
Akdevelioglu, D., & Kara, S. (2017). Opinion leadership and new product adoption in social media. ISMS Marketing Science Conference.
Akdevelioglu, D., & Venkatesh, A. (2017). Consumer ties in social media networks. Consumer Culture Theory Conference (CCTC).
Akdevelioglu, D., & Venkatesh, A. (2017). Consumer ties in social media networks. American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Academic Conference.
Akdevelioglu, D., & Venkatesh, A. (2016). Consumer ties in social media networks. INSNA XXXVI Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis.
Akdevelioglu, D., & Venkatesh, A. (2016). Social media, social networks and marketing: A cultural approach to strength of ties. American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Academic Conference.
Akdevelioglu, D. (2015). Cultural approach to tie strength: Understanding social media communities. Consumer Culture Theory Conference (CCTC).
Audet, Richard
Audet, Richard, and Linda Jordan, editors. Integrating Inquiry across the Curriculum. Corwin Press, 2005.
Audet, Richard H., and Linda K. Jordan.Standards in the Classroom: An Implementation Guide for Teachers of Science and Mathematics. Corwin Press, 2003.
Audet, Richard, Joseph Buttner, Dale Leavitt, and Scott Soares. Explorations in Aquaculture. New England Board of Higher Education, 2002, 2 vols.
Audet, Richard H., and Gail S. Ludwig. GIS in Schools. Environmental Systems Research Institute, 2000.
Ayton, Will
Ayton, Will. A Reliquary for William Blake. MSR Classics, 2007.