Dimensions of Wellness
The 10 Dimensions of Wellness were introduced to Roger Williams in 2023 to emphasize the importance of holistic wellness in our campus community. Through these various dimensions, students learn how to balance their day-to-day responsibilities and expectations. Here at RWU, we strive to promote the 10 dimensions of wellness through various events, workshops, and campaigns. The Health and Wellness Educators work on 5 Teams (Alcohol/Other Drugs, Mental Health, Physical Health, Social/Digital Health, and Sex Education/Healthy Relationships) to promote health & wellness and serve as ambassadors to the campus.
Physical Wellness
- The physically well person gets an adequate amount of sleep, eats a balanced and nutritious diet, engages in exercise for 150 minutes per week, attends regular medical check-ups, and practices safe sex.
RWU Resources:
Emotional Wellness
- The emotionally well person can identify, express, and manage the entire range of feelings and would consider seeking assistance to address areas of concern.
RWU Resources:
Social Wellness
The socially well person has a network of support based on interdependence, mutual trust, and respect, and has developed a sensitivity and awareness towards the feeling of others.
RWU Resources:
Spiritual Wellness
The spiritually well personseeks harmony and balance by openly exploring the depth of human purpose, meaning, and connection through dialogue and self-reflection.
RWU Resources:
Intellectual Wellness
The intellectually well person values lifelong learning and seeks to foster critical thinking, develop moral reasoning, expand worldviews, and engage in education for the pursuit of knowledge.
RWU Resources:
Financial Wellness
The financially well person is fully aware of financial state and budgets, saves, and manages finances in order to achieve realistic goals.
RWU Resources:
- Center for Career & Professional Development
- Center for Student Academic Success
- Office of Financial Aid
- Library
Occupational Wellness
The occupationally well person engages in work to gain personal satisfaction and enrichment, consistent with values, goals, and lifestyle.
RWU Resources:
Creative Wellness
The creatively well person values and actively participates in a diverse range of arts and cultural experiences as a means to understand and appreciate the surrounding world.
RWU Resources:
- Center for Career & Professional Development
- Center for Student Academic Success
- Student Programs & Leadership
- Department of Visual Arts
- Theatre (Department of Performing Arts)
- Library
Environmental Wellness
The environmentally well person recognizes the responsibility to preserve, protect, and improve the environment and appreciates the interconnectedness of nature and the individual.
RWU Resources:
- Center for Career & Professional Development
- Center for Student Academic Success
- Department of Biology, Marine Biology, and Environmental Science
- Sustainability Club
- Library
Digital Wellness
The digitally well person considers the impact of virtual presence and use of technology on their overall well-being by taking steps to create sustainable habits that support their values, goals, community and safety.