Graduate Architecture Affordable Excellence Rates
***These rates are for returning students enrolled prior to fall 2019***
Below are 2023-2024 rates for Architecture students who entered RWU in the academic years between fall 2012 and spring 2019. RWU continues to honor its commitment to Affordable Excellence. If applicable, your account has a tuition freeze (rate-lock). Please carefully read the Affordable Excellence tuition freeze details below to determine if your tuition is frozen. If you are no longer rate-locked, you will be charged the current year rates.

Please note: These are estimated charges based on standard tuition & fees for full-time students 12-19 credits in a Graduate Architecture program. Students above 19 credits will be charged additional per credit rates.
Affordable Excellence Tuition Freeze 2012 - 2018
Over the span of seven academic years from fall 2012 through spring 2019 Roger Williams University instituted the Affordable Excellence tuition freeze. This freeze guarantees that tuition rates will not increase for four years for any full-time undergraduate day student who enrolled during the applicable time period and remains continuously enrolled. Full details are outlined below*:
—RWU has FROZEN TUITION for full-time, undergraduate day students who enrolled between the 2012 and 2019 academic years and GUARANTEED that price for all who remain continuously enrolled, full-time over the next one, two or three years, depending on their current class level.
—RWU has FROZEN TUITION for full-time students in the Architecture 4+2 BS/MS program who enrolled between the 2012 and 2019 academic years and GUARANTEED that price for all who remain continuously enrolled, full-time over the next one to five years, depending on their current class level.
—Students enrolled in any joint-degree programs other than Architecture will be guaranteed the undergraduate tuition for up to four years (eight semesters) depending on their current class level. When they move to graduate student status, they will be charged whatever the current graduate tuition is for that year.
* A full-time, undergraduate day student is defined as a student enrolled in an undergraduate program, 12 to 19 credits per semester.
For the purposes of determining eligibility for the tuition guarantee, a year is defined as two semesters.
Continuous enrollment is defined as enrollment for consecutive fall and spring semesters beginning with the first semester of enrollment. Winter intersession, summer terms and Continuing Studies courses do not count for or against a student’s maximum semesters of continuous enrollment and will be charged at the current, existing rate.
Special Circumstances
—Students on a University-approved medical leave of one semester will be allowed to return at the guaranteed tuition level. They may appeal for up to one additional semester of leave, but it must be taken contiguous to the first semester of leave. University-approved leave will not count when calculating a student’s maximum semesters of guaranteed tuition.
—Students participating in a study abroad experience/experiences who return to campus for the following semester will be allowed to return at the guaranteed tuition level. Any study abroad semester(s) will be counted as a semester/semesters of enrollment.
—Students on disciplinary suspension, who then return, will return at the incoming new student tuition rate for that year.
—Students who withdraw and then return, will return at the incoming new student tuition rate for that year.
Multiple Sibling Tuition Discount
Statement of Purpose:
Roger Williams University and Roger Williams University School of Law recognize that the increasing cost of higher education has a serious impact on the ability of potential students to further their education; and this is especially true where there is more than one college-age child within a family. The cost often impedes a student and his or her family from considering their top choice college/university. In an effort to allow potential students and their families to have access to and the choice of considering Roger Williams University and the Roger Williams School of Law, the University has established a tuition discount in situations in which multiple siblings attend the University and/or the Law School.
If two or more siblings or step-siblings from a blended family are enrolled simultaneously as full-time students at Roger Williams University as undergraduate or graduate students, and/or at the Roger Williams University School of Law, a tuition discount will be granted to the students. The siblings must have been accepted for admission to one or more of the component parts of the University or the Law School in accordance with all normal admission standards.
The tuition discount rate for siblings enrolled full-time at the University or Law School is as follows:
i. One student enrolled – no discount
ii. Two students enrolled – 10% discount for each student
iii. Three students enrolled – 10% discount for the first two students; 20% discount for the third student
iv. Four or more students enrolled - 10% discount for the first two students; 20% discount for the third student; 25% discount for each of the fourth and any additional students
—The discount shall be applied in order of the year of enrollment of each sibling (i.e., first to enroll as an undergraduate, graduate or law school student) and the discount shall continue to be applied based upon continuous years of enrollment at the University/School of Law. If a sibling has a break of one academic year or more (either within a degree program or moving from one degree to another), his/her date of enrollment for purposes of this policy shall re-set.
—In the event of a discount involving more than two siblings with the same date of enrollment, the higher discount rate shall apply to the lesser tuition cost.
Siblings are eligible for tuition discount before the age of twenty–four (24) for the undergraduate program and before the age of twenty-six (26) for the graduate program and the School of Law. The tuition discount for students shall be terminated at the end of the semester in which the student reaches the age of 24 or 26, as the case may be.
Any financial aid awarded to a sibling would reflect the discount prior to being awarded the financial aid. (This applies to all full tuition scholarships only.)
The discount shall not be applied retroactively, and cannot be combined with any other published tuition discounts.
This policy does not apply to fees and other charges.
The Bursar shall demand adequate proof that a student is eligible for the sibling tuition discount. In most cases the required proof would be a copy of a birth certificate or proof of adoption.
Full-time Enrollment – This policy applies to siblings enrolled full-time (12 credits minimum) in an undergraduate day program leading to a Bachelor’s Degree; full-time (9 credits minimum) in a graduate program leading to a Master’s Degree; and full-time (12 credits minimum) in a School of Law program leading to a Juris Doctorate.
Sibling – One or more individuals having at least one common parent, either biological or legally adopted.
Step Sibling – One or more individuals from a blended family who reside in the same household.
Family – In addition to the standard definition of a nuclear family or a single-parent family, for the purposes of this policy, a family may consist of a situation in which one or more siblings reside with one parent, and one or more siblings reside with another parent; or one or more siblings reside in the care of a third party.
Blended Family – A blended family consists of a situation in which siblings of one parent are not related in a biological or adopted way with siblings of another parent, although all siblings reside in the same household.
RWU tuition, fees and other related charges are approved by the RWU Board of Trustees annually. RWU faculty and staff have designed and adapted many aspects of the traditional campus experiences and classroom instruction for our students, all of which factor into our cost and pricing decisions for the university and its program inclusive of School of Law and University College programs. RWU continues to make significant investments in technology, training, and safety and health resources, which have been made available to ensure the continued quality educational experience for our students, whether in person or remotely accessed. Consistent with our past policies, tuition and mandatory fees will not be adjusted based on the instructional method and/or mode of academic delivery or any other changes or disruptions that may occur during the academic year such as adjustments to instructional content, schedules or the duration of the semester, inability to access Roger Williams University-maintained facilities, or cancellation of activities, events, services or programs. Tuition and mandatory fees will not be refunded in whole or in part for any reason, except as expressly provided for under the refund policy. By paying the tuition and mandatory fees, the student and anyone paying tuition on their behalf acknowledges and accepts these terms.
Withdrawal/Refund Policy | |
Fall and Spring Semesters | |
Before the first day of class: | 100% of tuition, room, board and fees; forfeit deposits |
Within the first week: | 100% of tuition, prorate 1 week room & board; forfeit deposits |
Within the second week: | 80% of tuition, room & board |
Within the third week: | 60% of tuition, room & board; fees non-refundable |
Within the fourth week: | 40% of tuition, room & board; fees non-refundable |
After the fourth week: | No refund |
Room & Board Exceptions | |
Room & board refunds are calculated using the move-out date and not the withdrawal date | |
All students in RWU housing are assessed an additional $350 housing cancellation fee | |
Winter Intersession and Summer Sessions | |
Prior to first class meeting: | 100% of tuition and fees |
Prior to second class meeting: | 50% of tuition; fees non-refundable |
Prior to third class meeting: | 25% of tuition; fees non-refundable |
After third class meeting: | No refund |
Any applicable credit to reduce tuition charges for students who leave the University will be granted upon presentation of the approved and signed Withdrawal from the University form or the Withdrawal from a Course form in accordance with the above schedule.
Any outstanding balance on a student's account is deducted from the tuition credit. All fees are for a full semester and are not refundable once class has started. Students who are suspended or expelled from the University during the academic year are responsible for all charges related to the semester in which the suspension or expulsion occurred. Any credits that result in a refund to the student's account, as authorized by the Office of the Bursar, will require approximately three weeks for processing.