UG Undergraduate Majors & Minors With 50 majors and over 70 minors you can mix and match from a wide variety of programs to create your own powerful combination.
GR Graduate Programs Over a dozen master's degrees and a range of professional certificate programs that offer a deeply enriching education and valuable career opportunities after graduation.
LAW School of Law Programs A rigorous, personalized and marketable legal education at the best-priced ABA-accredited private law school in the Northeast.
EXT Extension School With certificates, training, dual enrollment and flexible degree starting and completion options in Providence and online, we are organized to serve all learners.
UG Undergraduate Admission From visiting campus, to applying, to financial aid, we're to help you at every step of the admission process.
GR Graduate Admission We can help you find the right program in the right place to put you on the path to success.
LAW School of Law Admission We offer a world-class education with quantifiable outcomes. Find out how to join RWU Law.
EXT Extension School RWU EXT removes barriers and provides opportunities for all types of learners. Whatever age, whatever demands you have, we are committed to your educational success.
Learning Onboard RWU’s Research VesselAugust 14, 2018 By Jill Rodrigues ’05 and Justin Wilder From physical oceanography experiments to exploring coastal ecology and observing marine mammals, students gain hands-on lessons aboard the new 30-foot craft.Tags:AcademicsBlue EconomyFeinstein School of Social and Natural Sciences
RWU Microbiologist Publishes Book on Cell-to-Cell CommunicationJune 19, 2018 Jill Rodrigues '05 Avelina Espinosa co-authors work on kin discrimination and recognition in unicellular organisms.Tags:AcademicsFeinstein School of Social and Natural Sciences
RWU Scientists, Alumni Publish Report Exposing Impossible Test Results Claiming to Detect Fish Caught by Cyanide PoisoningMay 30, 2018 Jill Rodrigues '05 PLOS ONE publishes their whistleblower report that debunks a method credited as the answer to a serious problem in the marine aquarium trade.Tags:AcademicsBlue EconomyAlumniCivic ScholarsLife @ RWUFeinstein School of Social and Natural Sciences
Designing a Craft for Manned Expeditions on MarsMay 7, 2018 Jill Rodrigues '05 Senior applied math and bio major works with a professor on designing a NASA rover to land humans on Mars.Tags:AcademicsCivic ScholarsLife @ RWUFeinstein School of Humanities, Art and EducationFeinstein School of Social and Natural Sciences
Following Her Passion: Student Commencement Speaker Finds Inspiration through Life’s ChallengesMay 1, 2018 Courtney Dell’Agnese ’19 Victoria Davis ’18 combines her love for science and writing to create her own science communication major.Tags:AcademicsAlumniLife @ RWUFeinstein School of Humanities, Art and EducationFeinstein School of Social and Natural Sciences
Gabrielle Baillargeon ’20 Awarded Fellowship to Study Environmental Change in Marine EcosystemsApril 10, 2018 Courtney Dell’Agnese ’19 RWU Marine Biology major selected as one of eight students in nation for Ocean Global Change Biology Research Experience for Undergraduates program.Tags:AcademicsBlue EconomyCivic ScholarsLife @ RWUFeinstein School of Social and Natural Sciences
From Volunteer to Hassenfeld Fellow: Turning a Passion for Public Health Service into a Deeper CommitmentMarch 22, 2018 Courtney Dell’Agnese ’19 Cory Letendre ’18 doubled down on his commitment as a medical assistant at the R.I. Free Clinic serving uninsured and underinsured adults.Tags:AcademicsCivic ScholarsLife @ RWUFeinstein School of Social and Natural Sciences
Graduate Students and Faculty Share Research on Jurors' View of Death Penalty at Eastern Psychological Association Annual MeetingMarch 21, 2018 Marcus Hanscom Faculty-student research team delivered their own session to standing-room audience.Tags:AcademicsAlumniLife @ RWUFeinstein School of Social and Natural Sciences
RWU Stay Break Part II: Advocating for the State’s Food Insecure ResidentsMarch 20, 2018 Jill Rodrigues ’05 Students apply their hands-on lessons in food insecurity issues to make an advocacy pitch to state legislators.Tags:AcademicsCivic ScholarsLife @ RWUFeinstein School of Humanities, Art and EducationFeinstein School of Social and Natural SciencesSchool of Justice Studies
RWU Stay Break Part I: A Real-World Dive into R.I.’s Food Insecurity IssuesMarch 14, 2018 Jill Rodrigues '05 & Justin Wilder A dozen students swapped spring break vacation for meaningful work within the community [Video].Tags:AcademicsCivic ScholarsLife @ RWUFeinstein School of Humanities, Art and EducationFeinstein School of Social and Natural SciencesSchool of Engineering, Computing, & Construction ManagementSchool of Justice Studies