Koray Özer

Koray Özer
Koray Özer, Ph.D. Professor of Mathematics

Contact Information

(401)254-5541kozer@rwu.edu SELB 305B

Areas of Expertise

Operator Semigroups, Laplace Transforms, and Evolution Equations


Ph.D. Louisiana State University; M.S. Louisiana State University; B.S. Koç University, Istanbul

Koray Özer joined Roger Williams University in August 2008. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics from Louisiana State University. He has a B.S. in Mathematics from Koç University, Istanbul, Türkiye.

Dr. Özer’s primary research interests lie at the intersection of functional analysis and partial differential equations, with a particular focus on developing numerical approximations for evolutionary equations. This involves using novel inverse Laplace transformation methods within the framework of operator semigroups.