Extension School

Your gateway to flexible, affordable, and career-driven education.

An RWU Education that meets you where you are.

Welcome to the RWU Extension School—your gateway to flexible, affordable, and career-driven education. Join a supportive community dedicated to helping you succeed with courses that align with today’s most in-demand skills and industries. Whether you're a working professional, recent high school graduate, or returning student, our diverse programs are tailored to fit your life and future career needs.

Group of happy people talk on Providence campus

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Defy your doubts. There is no better time than now to begin working on a degree path, or finish a path you started, or take a course to advance in your career. Our variety of course offerings and affordable tuition will get you where you want to go.

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Students work toward degrees

Degrees & Certificates

Develop stackable credentials, certificates, degrees, and micro-credentials in collaboration with industry-leading employers and delivered by industry-leading subject matter experts, filling specific needs with our developed curriculum when external certifications do not exist.

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Student wearing hard hat and using power tools


Prepare students for in-demand jobs that do not need a traditional credentialed pathway. Students develop specialized skills that address the industry's current and future needs.

Apprentice in the Trades
Early college students in a classroom

Early College Students

Provide high school students with college-level courses, earn college credit, and accelerate time to degree and entrance into the workforce.

Pathways for Early College Students
Students look at papers together


Allow students to stay on track for timely graduation, retake courses in which they struggled, or get ahead to graduate early.

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People in a professional training program

Professional Certifications & Licensures

Provide preparation and training to earn external credentials and licensures demonstrating the skill or knowledge needed to perform a specific job/ function.

Corporate and Community Trainings

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