Instructional Technologies
Panopto is a lecture capture application designed to capture, edit, and stream audio and video. RWU has a site license for Panopto that allows faculty or students to easily create a narrated PowerPoint video, a screencast of anything on a computer screen with audio, or a video stream from a webcam (or any other video source attached to their computer like a document camera) into a video that can then be shared with students either within a Bridges course, a faculty website or even via e-mail. Panopto is only available through Bridges.
Videos created externally (for example using a smartphone or other video recording software) may also be uploaded to Panopto to be streamed online. Podcasts can be created on Panopto or served from Panopto as well.
RWU faculty and students can create videos by running Panopto Capture directly in their browser (Chrome is recommended) or download and install the Panopto recorder locally on their home or office computer (Mac or Windows). Videos can be viewed directly from the Panopto tool from a Bridges course menu or viewed from a personal or topical folder on the Panopto server
- How to Record with Panopto Capture and share
- How to Record with Panopto for Windows
- How to Record with Panopto for Mac (downloadable application)
- Panopto Help and Documentation
Student Video Assignments
If you would like your students to create videos for your course you can also add an Assignment folder within the Panopto course folder (the Assignment folder will be a subfolder). Students would then go into the Bridges course - click on the Panopto tool from the course menu, select the Assignment folder and then click on the Create button. The recordings will then show up in the course Assignment folder and be visible to the instructor.
Creating a Panopto Video Assignment (1:15 mins)
Students: How to Upload and Record a Video Assignment (:52 mins)
Tips for capturing video
- Improving Talking Head Recorded Lectures
- Recording effective presentations online (created by Northern Arizona University)
- Recording with Panopto (RWU)
- View this Panopto showcase of how other faculty have used this powerful tool and let your imagination go!
If you have any questions please send e-mail to id@rwu.edu or give a call (401) 254.3187
Poll Everywhere is a web-based system that can be used both in and outside of the classroom to create multiple-choice or open-answer polls. Unlike other types of clicker systems, no special software or equipment is required. Using this technology with your classes allows you instant formative feedback to assess student understanding and increase engagement.
- Students can submit responses via text message or using a browser on their laptop or another Internet-connected device including tablets (e.g. iPads) and SmartPhones (iPhones, Android phones, Blackberry, etc.)
- Instructors use a simple web form to create either multiple-choice or open-text questions. Polls can be embedded in PowerPoint or Keynote presentations, displayed in a web browser, or embedded in a course web site.
How Do I Get Started?
RWU has a site license for Poll Everywhere. If you would like to try this strategy out with your students just send an email to the ID team at: id@rwu.edu and licensing info will be sent to you to get you started.
Pedagogical Applications
- Resources
- Derek Bruff's Blog with Ideas for using student response systems with your students
- How to leverage Poll Everywhere to Keep your Learners Alert from Dr. Mark Lavercombe, The Productive Physician
Hypothes.is is a social annotation program that is integrated into Bridges.
Faculty can use Hypothesi.s for group annotations on a web article or Google document.
Overview of setting up an Hypothes.is assignment (video)
Creating an Hypothesis-enabled reading in Sakai lesson
An Illustrated Guide to Annotation Types
For Students:
Introduction to Hypothesis for Students
Annotation Tips for Students
Annotation etiquette for students
Using images, links, and videos in annotations
Peerceptiv is now available in Bridges.
Peerceptiv is a peer assessment tool that allows students to demonstrate knowledge of a subject through peer assessment, while building desirable soft skills such as critical thinking and teamwork. Students give and receive actionable feedback on assignments from classmates, allowing them to connect with their peers in a meaningful way on or away from campus. Peerceptiv generates valid and reliable grades- improving efficiency of instruction at any scale with a variety of possible assignment types in any subject matter. Please reach out to id@rw.edu if you are interested in integrating Peerceptiv into your Bridges course. More videos and information about Peerceptiv is available in Bridges Essentials (login required).
How to:
- Use Peerceptiv in Sakai
- Create a New Course and How to Create an Assignment
- Build Peerceptiv Rubrics
- Introduce Peerceptiv to Students and Student User Videos
- Enter a Teacher Review
- Adjust Grading Settings
- How to Explain Peerceptiv Results
- How do I troubleshoot common problems
- Instructor Videos - See the “Manage an Assignment” Video
Peerceptiv Resources:
Peerceptiv Knowledge Base
Schedule an office hours appointment
Email support@peerceptiv.com
SimCheck/Turnitin is an anti-plagiarism detector and educational resource for faculty and students.
Our instance of SimCheck is integrated into our Bridges as an option within the Assignments tool to automatically check each student submission.
Creating an Assignment with Simcheck
To check an assessment that is not an assignment, please request a separate account to manually upload the material directly into the TurnitIn platform by contacting the ID team at id@rwu.edu
Zoom is a popular webconferencing option and is available to RWU students, staff and faculty.
For more information, or if you need help with Zoom please contact mediatech@rwu.edu
Students at RWU have access to the full range of Google suite applications. Students can use Google sites to create projects.
For more information, if you need help with Google, or would like to request your own Google account please reach out to mediatech@rwu.edu
RWU has a site license for the Qualtrics Survey software. Qualtrics is a web-based survey tool that is easy to use but is also very powerful. Surveys can be created by any RWU faculty, staff member or student and distributed electronically. Results can be exported into Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint formats or Adobe Acrobat as a PDF, complete with charts and graphics. Users can also download survey results in the following formats: CSV, SPSS, Fixed Field Text, XML, and HTML.There is also a cross-tabulation tool to perform multivariate analysis.
All RWU users with an 0365 account have access to Qualtrics.
For first time users,select "Don't have an account? Sign Up"
Roger Williams provides free access to LinkedIn Learning which offers more than 16,000 on-demand courses (business, creative, and tech) taught by real-world professionals.
Login is available via https://www.linkedin.com/learning or on the Bridges Home page.
User Name: Type in your RWU email address
Password: Type in your Password (same as Bridges, Portal, Roger Central
For more help on logging in, please refer to LinkedIn Learning Help.