Severe Weather Preparedness Plan

Click here to download the Roger Williams University Severe Weather Preparedness Plan

Roger Williams University, through its administrative staff, recognizes its duty and responsibility to make and keep the campus community as safe as possible in the event of a major storm.

This Severe Weather Preparedness Plan (“Plan”) has been established to provide direction for those individuals who are involved in the effort to mitigate the effect of a hurricane or any other type of tropical storm, snowstorm or blizzard or other significant weather-related event. It addresses pre-storm preparation and post-storm recovery, as well as on-campus management during the storm.

Primary Objectives

  • Safety and security of faculty, staff, students, and visitors prior to and during a severe weather event
  • Mitigation of damage
  • Restoration of business and academic operations as quickly as possible  

This Plan should be read in conjunction with the Roger Williams University Emergency Response Plan (“ERP”). All faculty, staff, and students have responsibilities and action steps that will be taken at the direction of the University’s Full Emergency Response Team (“FERT”) (See Section VI.E of the ERP).

In addition, as noted below, each University department should have its own protocol consistent with this Plan to address departmental operations in the event of a severe weather emergency. These department protocols should be reviewed annually and updated as necessary.

This Plan may be amended from time to time to ensure the best course of action possible, given available resources and insight. At a minimum, this Plan will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary.