Apply My Prior Learning Credits

You have gathered your information and gotten all your past experienced organized, and are ready to submit for a credit assessment? With one application, you can submit all your experiences and get feedback within days.

Documentation for Approved Experiences

When you have found your experiences on our Reviewed & Approved lists, you will need to provide evidence of the experience. There are common examples of documentation for each type of experience. If you don't see your experience or have questions on documentation, please reach out to the Director of Prior Learning.

Contact PLA Director


Training & Certificates

When competing the application, make sure you mark the correct box stating your experience was found on our reviewed and approved lists and then upload one of the following documents.

  •     Documents and Certificates
  •     Letter of attendance
  •     Conference programs with your name listed
  •     Certificates of attendance
  •     Transcripts
  •     Letter from Human Resources

Approved Job/ Volunteer Experience

When you are applying for job experiences that are listed as Reviewed & Approved, you will note that your job has been previously approved on the PLA application, and provide your biographical information along with an upload from Human Resources or Department Head detailing:

  •     Your average hours per week
  •     How many weeks per year you worked
  •     Contact information including the email, phone number, name, and title of the HR representative/department head

Non-Credit Online Courses

When completing the application, you will note that the course has been previously approved, and provide your biographical information along with an upload providing evidence of successful completion.

Common Examples for Approved Experiences

To help students prepare for their credit to be posted, we have provided a few common examples to help you get it right the first time.

Robert has been a paraprofessional (Teaching Assistant) for the Providence School District and under the regulations of the Rhode Island Department of Education for five years. Teaching assistants are found on the approved list, and can receive college credit depending upon how long they have been on the job and how many hours they have worked. A letter from the principal of the school noting the relevant details above would qualify Robert for credit, based on the degree plan and how many courses had already been given for transfer and prior learning.

Joe worked for State Farm Insurance for years. As part of his employment, he was expected to complete various FEMA courses. Joe found that many of these FEMA courses are on our excepted credit list. Joe decided to return to school several years after his FEMA training. He thought that FEMA may have provided some sort of certificate for his courses, but he did not have them available. Before Joe completes on a higher learning credit request, he should contact FEMA or the state agency who administered the exams for his records. Once he receives the records, he should complete the request and upload the documentation.


Kin is a firefighter. Kin was excited to begin working on a degree in Public Administration. Kin was told, and confirmed the information from the lists of approved credit, that EXT gives credit for the training to become a firefighter. Kin has two options to receive credit. The department should send over transcripts documenting the training. If the department does not use transcripts, a letter from the Chief on letterhead would be acceptable if it states Kin's name, rank, training and years of service

Althea took a free Harvard EdX courses. If you want a transcript that you completed the course, a fee is sometimes charged.  You may get a certificate of completion for free. You'll need one of these verification methods from any non-credit online course provider.


Role of Advisor

Each student is assigned an Academic Advisor and must meet with (or communicate with) his or her Academic Advisor to complete a variety of activities as they relate to registration, enrollment and degree/certificate conferral. Students are urged to meet with their Academic Advisor to discuss their educational and career interests and goals and prior learning.In addition the Director of prior learning is available to help with questions also, and will coordinate with your advisor to ensure  a smooth process of earning credits from all areas available to the student.

  • Academic Advisors review and explain the requirements for a degree or certificate; determine how much eligible credit may be granted through programs options such as transfer credit, CLEP examinations, military training and experience, standardized and prior learning assessment.
  • An Academic Advisor completes an assessment of the student’s degree evaluation including a listing of requirements already completed and those that need to be completed.
  • An Academic Advisor is responsible for guiding the student through the stages of the academic program and identifying the appropriate courses and learning experiences.

Meeting with an Academic Advisor can take place on any of the University campuses, at an appropriate off-campus location, or by telephone or electronic communication. EXT offers continuous advisement throughout the year.