Special Education (M.A.)

The Master of Arts in Special Education program is designed to prepare teachers for supporting students of all abilities. Available with full-time and part-time options, the program provides flexibility for both recent graduates and working educators who seek licensure in elementary special education or secondary special education. A 4+1 track allows exceptional seniors, both at RWU and elsewhere, to complete the master’s program in just one year. A non-licensure track for educators who hold special education certification is also available.




Evening courses; summer, fall, and spring

Credits Required


Time Commitment

1 to 2 years


Summer 2025, Fall 2025, and Spring 2026


2025-2026 Academic Year
$490/semester (full-time students)
$165/semester (part-time students)

Apply By

Fall: March 1 (Priority), April 1 (Regular), August 15 (Final)

Spring: November 1 (Priority), December 15 (Regular), January 6 (Final)

Summer: March 1 (Priority), April 1 (Regular), April 15 (Final)

  • Demonstrate inclusive pedagogical approaches and practices aimed at providing an equitable education for all students, particularly students from historically minoritized groups (i.e. students of color, students who identify as LGBTQ+, students living in poverty, students with disabilities, students who are English Learners).  
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the legal and ethical obligations required of professionals in the field of special education.
  • Conduct, score, and interpret individual curriculum-based and norm-referenced educational achievement assessments that are cultural relevant, valid, and reliable in order to inform a student’s eligibility of special education services, develop Individualized Education Programs, and guide instructional practices.
  • Utilize evidence-based strategies to meet the diverse instructional, behavioral, cultural, linguistic, and social/emotional needs of students with disabilities.
  • Demonstrate culturally-competent partnerships with families/caregivers, educational professionals, related service providers, and other school personnel to develop, utilize, and assess individualized and inclusive supports for students with disabilities.
  • Develop strategies to facilitate the successful inclusion of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment.\\

Lecture on Universal Design

Miss our live lecture on Universal Design for Learning by Dr. Adam Moore? Access the recording.


The M.A. Special Education program is accredited by the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) and is aligned to the Rhode Island Professional Teaching Standards (RIPTS) and the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Special Educator Professional Ethics and Standards. The program has a particular focus on equity, culturally responsive and evidence-based teaching practices, and inclusion of students with high incidence disabilities. 

Candidates seeking licensure in special education will be immersed in clinical placements in local schools, completing a residency with a school-based clinical educator certified in special education.  The program requires candidates to complete the equivalent of a year-old residency and 60 additional hours of clinical placement designed to meet the Rhode Island certification regulations that take effect in December 2022.  The program also requires a minimum of 30 hours in an urban school district, and encourages candidates to spend more time in high-need districts.    

Students may pursue a 30/32-credit certification-only option, a master's degree option (36-44 credits), or a non-certification track (30 credits).  

Students who wish to complete the M.A. Special Education program on a full-time basis can complete the degree in one calendar year with courses beginning in the Summer II Term (typically late July). 

4+1 Opportunity

The 4+1 M.A. Special Education program allows for exceptional undergraduate elementary education or secondary education majors the opportunity to earn six graduate credits during their senior year and, if in good standing, continue on in one additional year of full-time study (either elementary or secondary special education). Students accepted into this program take two courses (EDU 608 in the fall and EDU 607 in the spring semester) of their senior year. The remaining eight courses (nine for secondary certification candidates) are completed as matriculated graduate students in one full-time year of study. Candidates interested in this program must apply during their undergraduate junior year for conditional acceptance in this program.  

Fall Term (Senior year - 4+1 candidates only)

EDU 608: Legal & Ethical Foundations of Special Education (3 credits)Online

Spring Term (Senior year - 4+1 candidates only)

EDU 607: Exceptionality Research (3 credits)Online

Summer II Term

EDU 612: Collaboration, Co-Teaching, & Consultation (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 613:  Cultivating Pro Social Behavior (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 670: General Education Knowledge for Special Education (3 credits - if necessary)Online

Fall Semester

EDU 608: Legal & Ethical Foundations of Special Education (3 credits - Taken in senior year for 4+1 candidates)Online
EDU 622: Research-Based Literacy Practices III: Preparing Strategic Readers, K-12 (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 635: Assessment & Planning (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 640: Interventions in Mathematics & Content Areas in Special Education (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 644: Post-Secondary Transition Planning (2 credits - Secondary Candidates Only)Hybrid
EDU 657: Inclusive Practices in Special Education (3 credits - If required)Hybrid

Winter Term

EDU 642: Special Education Practicum (3 credits)Clinical Placement

Spring Semester

EDU 607: Exceptionality Research (3 credits - Taken in senior year for 4+1 candidates)Online
EDU 651: Special Education Internship (9 credits)Clinical Placement
EDU 652: Special Education Capstone  (3 credits)Hybrid

This program is designed for students seeking teacher certification in special education (either elementary or secondary) and will require two years of part-time graduate study. The program of study detailed below assumes a two-year pathway. Students may choose to take courses at their own pace, which may impact total duration of studies.

Fall Semester

EDU 608: Legal & Ethical Foundations of Special Education (3 credits)Online
EDU 635: Assessment & Planning (3 credits)Hybrid

Spring Semester

EDU 607: Exceptionality Research (3 credits)Online
EDU 657: Inclusive Practices in Special Education (3 credits - If Necessary)Hybrid

Summer II Term

EDU 612: Collaboration, Co-Teaching, & Consultation (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 613: Cultivating Pro Social Behavior (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 670: General Education Knowledge for Special Education (3 credits, asynchronous online - If Necessary)Online

Fall Semester

EDU 622: Research-Based Literacy Practices III: Preparing Strategic Readers, K-12 (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 640: Interventions in Mathematics & Content Areas in Special Education (3 credits)Hybrid
EDU 644: Post-Secondary Transition Planning (2 credits - Secondary Candidates Only)Hybrid

Winter Term

EDU 642: Special Education Practicum (3 credits)Clinical Placement

Spring Semester

EDU 651: Special Education Internship (9 credits)Clinical Placement
EDU 652: Special Education Capstone  (3 credits)Hybrid

This 30-credit program is designed for currently practicing elementary or secondary educators who currently hold a valid teaching license in special education, but desire a master’s degree.  The program does not lead to licensure. 

Required Courses

EDU 607 Exceptionality Research 

EDU 612 Collaboration, Co-Teaching, & Consultation 

EDU 613 Cultivating Pro Social Behavior 

EDU 622 Research-Based Literacy Practices III: Preparing Strategic Readers, K-12 

EDU 635 Assessment & Planning 

EDU 640 Interventions in Mathematics & Content Areas in Special Education 

EDU 652 Special Education Capstone      


EDU 608 Legal & Ethical Foundations of Special Education 

EDU 610 Introduction to Literacy Research 

EDU 616 Research-Based Literacy Practices I: Writing Across the Curriculum, K-12 

EDU 618 Literature for Children and Young Adults 

EDU 620 Research- Based Literacy Practices II: Reading Across the Curriculum, K-12 

EDU 644 Post-Secondary Transition Planning (Secondary Education only)

Open Houses

Open Houses are scheduled on the Bristol Campus every June and November with virtual Open Houses available in January and August. Join us to learn more about your program, the admission process, and financial aid at these informative events with faculty and Graduate Admission staff.

Virtual Information Sessions

Short on time or just want to learn more about us from the comfort of your home, school, or office? Join us for a Virtual Information Session.

The most current information on Open Houses and Virtual Sessions

Universal Design for Learning: Supporting Students of All Abilities

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for designing a more equitable, accessible, and inclusive classroom experience. Come learn about the theoretical and practical applications of UDL to effectively teach students of all abilities. 

The session was presented on Thursday, December 16th, 2021, by Dr. Adam Moore, Associate Professor of Special Education and Director of Special Education Graduate Programs at Roger Williams University.

Access the Universal Design Lecture Recording

As of August 18, 2020, new regulations for special education certification in the state of Rhode Island have been issued by the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE). The change in certification requirements allows for outstanding applicants who do not hold an elementary education or secondary education certification to apply for the Roger Williams University Master of Arts in Special Education. Please note: the new regulations require elementary special education teachers to pass all licensure exams in elementary education and special education in order to be considered for elementary special education certification. Secondary special education candidates are required to pass all special education licensure exams in order to be considered for secondary special education certification. 

Students without an undergraduate degree in education will be required to take up to two additional courses beyond the core M.A. Special Education degree. Required courses include EDU 657 Inclusive Practices in Special Education and EDU 670 General Education Knowledge for Special Education. 

The RWU M.A. Special Education program prepares students to all requirements to fulfill elementary or secondary special education certification in Rhode Island. For students who wish to pursue certification in other states, please refer to individual state requirements. Rhode Island is a signatory on the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement, allowing certification obtained in Rhode Island to be transferred to other states participating in the Agreement. 

Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission to the Master of Arts in Special Education degree program, applicants must hold an earned bachelor’s degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 from a regionally-accredited college or university.

Admission requirements include:

  1. Completed online application
  2. $50 application fee
  3. Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate coursework.
  4. Statement of Intent (three pages, double-spaced maximum) detailing: A) Why you hold the dispositions to become a special education teacher committed to equity; and B) Experiences that inspired your desire to work with youth with exceptionalities
  5. Two professional letters of recommendation attesting to your potential success in graduate school and to work with children with exceptionalities
  6. Interview with a faculty member from the RWU Special Education Program.
  7. Current resume.
  8. A copy of a current BCI (Bureau of Criminal Identification) background check or equivalent document.
  9. Copy of current and valid teacher’s certificate(s) (only required for applicants who already possess certification)
  10. If your first language is not English, an official report of TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo results.

Students may be asked to submit a passing score on the Praxis I Principles of Learning & Teaching K-6 (elementary) or 7-12 (secondary) to strengthen their applications.


RWU discloses that the Master of Arts in Special Education and Bachelor of Arts in Education do not satisfy all educational requirements for licensure as an elementary or secondary public-school educator. Certification and licensure requirements are set by the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE), and students interested in learning about RIDE requirements, including state reciprocity policies, should enquire via the RIDE website or the students’ resident state websites for the most current information on licensure requirements for educators.