Cynthia Scheinberg, Ph.D.

Cynthia Scheinberg
Cynthia Scheinberg, Ph.D. Professor, English Literary Studies

Contact Information

(401) Global Heritage Hall 315Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Expertise

ENGLISH LITERARY STUDIES: Victorian Literature, Religion and Literature, British Women Writers, Bible as Literature, Jewish-Christian Literary Relations


Ph.D.  English Literature, Rutgers University (1992)

BA Harvard University (1985)

About Cynthia Scheinberg

Cynthia Scheinberg is Professor of English Literary Studies at Roger Williams University has published widely on intersections between religion and literature in areas of Victorian studies and Jewish/Christian relations. Her current research projects include a history and analysis of how the bible has been taught in secular universities. She teaches courses on  a range of British and Anglophone writers from 1800-present,  as well as The Bible as Literature and First Year Seminar.  

Cynthia Scheinberg lives in Providence Rhode Island with her husband; she has an adult daughter living in Massachusetts. Cynthia enjoys cooking, gardening, reading and travel. 

Awards and Honors

  • National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend
  • Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
  • Harvard Divinity School Program in Women’s Studies and Religion
  • Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies
  • Woodrow Wilson/Mellon Fellowship Foundation
  • Northern California Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Award 


Cynthia Scheinberg’s research focuses on the intersections between literature and society, with a special interest in literature and religion, and Jewish-Christian literary relations. 

Recent Publications

  • 2020Jewishness and Judaism.” In Scholl, L. (eds.) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Victorian Women’s Writing. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham 
  • 2019  “Reading Psalms in Nineteenth-Century England: The Contact Zone of Jewish–Christian Scriptural Relations” in Constructing Nineteenth­Century Religion: Literary, Historical, and Religious Studies in Dialogue. Eds. Joshua King and Winter Jade Werner. Ohio University Press. 225-45
  • Women’s Poetry and Religion in Victorian England: Jewish Identity and Christian Culture.  (June 2002, Cambridge University Press)  (Reissued and continuously in print as an e-book and in paperback since publication)

Prior Roles

  • Dean, School of Humanities, Arts and Education, Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI
  • Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, Department of English, Mills College
  • Associate Provost for Faculty Development, Mills College, Oakland CA
  • Dean, Graduate Literary Studies, Mills College, Oakland CA
  • Aurelia Henry Reinhardt Professor of Literature, Mills College