Event Facilitator, Research Assistant, and Language Tutor

Job Description

The combined position of Event Facilitator, Research Assistant, and Language Tutor in the Dept. of Modern Languages will support any student majoring or minoring in a modern language taught at RWU by developing "hard" and "soft" transferable skills, including communication and interpersonal skills (meeting and working with mentors, staff and faculty, and peer students), research and analytic skills (analysis of media, identifying the best academic, professional, and interpersonal sources of information), technical skills (writing, editing, and working with software such as Adobe and excel sheet and navigating RWU and other universities' web pages) and organizational skills (learning to balance multiple types of responsibilities with varying degrees of details, keeping track of and prioritizing details, progress, and goals, time management, and working independently). Equally important, the intern must reach and/or reach a high level of language proficiency, in order to tutor and help other students with their language learning. 

Year 1

As an event facilitator, the position involves representing the language dept. at events such as Open House and ASD.; designing posters and/or collect artifacts for these events, and planning on establishing a language group/club for students to undertake activities together to learn more about other cultures where the languages are spoken.

As a research assistant, this level involves office jobs such as printing, copying teaching and research related materials, collecting data for the dean's and the provost's office requests, working on program-specific projects, as well as with individual faculty members to help with their teaching and research material.

As a tutor-to-be, this level involves shadowing tutors for four-to six weeks in the tutoring center to observe and learn about tutoring. 

Year 2

As an event facilitator, the second year would continue the work of the first year at an intermediate level, including working with other on campus organizations to facilitate events such as cooking, galarie/museum visits, celebration of holidays of countries the language of which are taught at RWU. Second year intern will interface directly with on and off-campus people and/or departments. For example, writing e-mails to school teachers and inquire about teaching activities at the secondary schools in Newport and Providence.

As research assistant, the second year would continue the work of the first year at an intermediate level, increasing the level of teaching- and research-related tasks, including language placement.

As a language tutor, the intern will start tutoring in the second year, mentor students who need help with their language classes, and promote communications between language instructors and students.  

Year 3

As an event facilitator, the third year would continue the work of the first two years at an advanced/professional level, requiring the intern to take on more independence as earned in previous years and begin training a new first-year intern. Specifically, the third-year intern will be responsible for additional events such as awards, senior thesis, SASH, and gatherings of language majors and minors. etc.

As a research assistant: the third year would continue the work of the first two years at an advanced/ professional level, requiring the intern to take on more independence as earned in previous years and begin training a new first-year intern. Specifically, the third-year intern will create an E-folder of material created the last three years for faculty's teaching and research.

As a language tutor: the third year would continue the work of the first two years at an advanced/ professional level. Specifically, the intern will work with the tutoring center to coordinate all language tutors, promote better communications between language instructors and students and begin training a new first-year intern in tutoring.  

In all of these capacities, the FIT intern will work closely and keep regular, necessary communication (via email and in person) with the mentor. The intern will have heightened responsibilities in the areas of keeping records, making presentations to the mentor, troubleshooting, and initiating updates and innovations where necessary. The intern will additionally lead meetings with the mentor and will offer plans and goals for moving forward beyond the intern's tenure.

*Students are prohibited from driving during work-study employment with the limited exception of authorized work-study driver positions.

Starting Date

Department Information

Contact Name

Min Zhou


Modern Languages and Philosophy

Phone Number


